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Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership - Student Profiles


I studied Classics as an undergraduate at Cambridge and as a Master’s student at Oxford. I then studied Law and worked at Phaidon Press in London before returning to Cambridge to start my PhD in 2018. Between January and June 2020, I was a visiting student at Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice, where my research was supervised by Professor Filippomaria Pontani. My time in Venice was generously funded by the AHRC, the Faculty of Classics and Trinity College, Cambridge.

My PhD thesis is a study of the concept of allegory in the ancient world, a subject which spans ancient philosophy, poetry, literary criticism and mythography and which forms part of the larger story of the reception of Greek texts and ideas by Roman and Christian culture in antiquity.  

Outside my doctoral research, I have an ongoing interest in developing new models for describing the channels through which philosophical and literary texts circulated within the ancient world. Other research interests include the history of reading and scholarship in antiquity; the concept of “philosophy” and its relationship to poetry and myth in ancient Greek thought; signs and gestures in Greco-Roman culture; folklore and myth; genealogy; etymology; Plato; and Homeric and Hesiodic poetry.

When not researching Classics, I can be found swimming, listening to Mozart or reading anything written by Carlo Ginzburg, Muriel Spark and Jorge Luis Borges.

Teaching and Supervisions


Greek and Latin unseen translation

Greek and Latin prose and verse composition

Greek and Latin literature for Parts 1A and 1B of the Classical Tripos 

Other Professional Activities

Conference papers and presentations

September 2022. “Allegory between Greece and Rome: the politics of cultural translation”. Reading across divides: imperial allegory, its cultural contexts and intermedial entanglements. Cambridge.  

November 2021. “Nel laboratorio del filologo: Circe incontra Medea (Argonautiche IV, 659-752)”, conference Noster delectat error. L’errore tra filologia e letteratura, Universities of Florence, Pisa and Siena. English version: “In the philologist’s workshop: Circe meets Medea (Argonautica 4.659-752)”.

December 2020. “Plato and the history of allegory: studies in the reception of the Republic”, University of London Postgraduate Work-in-Progress Seminar. 

November 2020. “How Bad was Homer? An Ancient Quarrel Revisited”, A Caucus Seminar, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.

February 2020. “Forme dell’allegoria omerica”, Seminario Epico, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. English version: “Forms of Homeric Allegory”.

February 2020. “The Concept of Allegory in Heraclitus’ Homeric Problems”, conference Meaning between the Lines, Trinity College, Dublin.

Department: Classics
Supervisor: Professor Tim Whitmarsh Second supervisor: Professor Richard Hunter
College: Trinity
AHRC subject area: Classics
Thesis title: The Golden Chain: Redrawing the map of ancient allegory
Photo of W Winning
