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Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership - Student Profiles



My BA was in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Warwick, 2013-16, and my third-year dissertation focussed on conflicting literary and archaeological evidence for the identity of the Late Iron Age and Romano-British Iceni. The MPhil in Archaeology here at Cambridge, 2016-17, introduced me to the field of archaeological theory, especially material cultural approaches, and helped inform my dissertation on the use of brooches in Eastern England BCE100-200CE. Combining theoretical frameworks with large data-sets, I especially enjoyed charting the changing identities of the objects themselves through the archaeological record. My interests in postcolonial perspectives in the ancient world and the intertwining of humans and objects will continue into my PhD where I will investigate social and cultural developments BCE100-100CE around the southern North Sea basin (modern Eastern England, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Northern France). I have dug on archaeological sites from my early teenage years, a practical engagement that has always been important to me and that has driven my interest in phenomenology and the relationship between language and object-use. I look forward to exploring these links further in the next three years. 


Other academic interests

I am also interested in Latin literature of the Augustan Age and Modernist poetry in English.  

Department: Archaeology
Supervisor: Professor Martin Millett
College: Fitzwilliam
AHRC subject area: Archaeology
Title of thesis: Tracking identity change and societal shift in the Late Iron Age and Early Roman southern North Sea basin. Can new and alternative narratives be used to describe the archaeological developments of the period?
 Thomas  Matthews Boehmer
