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Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership - Student Profiles



I took my BA in Politics and Philosophy at the University of Essex. I then went on to do the MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History at Cambridge, with Chris Bickerton (POLIS) as supervisor. My MPhil-dissertation, entitled 'Perspectives on Populism in Post-war Political Science from Pluralism to Discourse Theory, 1955-2005', was an attempt to write a conceptual genealogy of the term 'populism' in the post-war political sciences, focusing on the work of thinkers such as Ernesto Laclau, Richard Hofstadter, and Pierre-André Taguieff. 

My PhD-thesis (preliminary title 'Populism and Producerist Democracy in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States, 1877-c.1896') will seek to elaborate further on the historical work done during my MPhil, focusing specifically on writing an intellectual history of the Populist movement in the late nineteenth-century United States.

Other academic interests

Additional intellectual interests are recent theoretical innovations in Marxism (in particular the so-called 'Neue Marx-Lektüre' in Germany, accelerationism) and methodological debates in contemporary political theory (Realism).


Key publications: 

‘The Semantic Drift: Images of Populism in Post-war American Historiography and Their Relevance for (European) Political Science’, Constellations, September 2017.

‘Review Essay What is Populism? (Jan-Werner Müller) and Populism: a Very Short Introduction (Cas Mudde and Cristobal Kaltwasser): Accomplishments and Limits of the ‘New’ Mainstream in Contemporary Populism Studies’ (with Yannis Stavrakakis), European Journal of Social Theory, August 2017. 

Department: History
Supervisor: Chris Meckstroth/Chris Bickerton
College: Girton
AHRC subject area: History
Title of thesis: Populism and the 'Democracy of Producers' in the United States, 1877-c.1922
 Anton Maria Maurits Jäger
